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Table105 Menu & Soup

Table 105 Takes Root

Table 105, a new steak and seafood restaurant, offers fresh and delicious dining options created from sustainably resourced, quality ingredients. Their décor features huge slices of native Black Cherry Timber playing tribute to their location in Kane, Pennsylvania, the...
Pizza – that ubiquitous foodstuff. Ask anyone and you’ll get a passionate response about why a certain place should be a destination on your bucket list. There’s a certain level of comfort that comes from indulging in your favorite pizza. My...
If you are near Swissvale, Pennsylvania and are looking to grab a sandwich you need look no further than the Triangle Bar...
In the western half of Adams County lies over 20,000 acres with soil so fertile that many compare it to the soil found in Italy. [...]
If you’ve ever been to a wedding in the Western Pennsylvania or Youngstown, Ohio area, chances are you experienced a wedding cookie table. Platters of lady locks, buckeyes, peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, and other wonderful specialties can...
Homestead, Pennsylvania is a town steeped in hard-working, blue collar tradition. Not so very long ago, the rivers were lined with steel mills, and 8th Avenue bustled with local patrons running their daily errands. [...]
Delicious food, delightful atmosphere, and excellent service.  This describes The Headkeeper Tapas Bar located in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  The Headkeeper is a unique find, and serves tapas style food with both outdoor and indoor seating.

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