Your State...Your Story
Donna’s Diner In Sharon, PA mixes classic and modern American dishes to create an eclectic menu in a fun retro setting. Even though I was born after the heyday of the diner era, a love of hearty home-cooked food and [...]
While Kennywood always evolves and continues to add new attractions to the park, there are certain aspects of the park that remain as staples. What day at Kennywood is complete without a ride on a wooden coaster [...]
Pizza – that ubiquitous foodstuff. Ask anyone and you’ll get a passionate response about why a certain place should be a destination on your bucket list. There’s a certain level of comfort that comes from indulging in your favorite pizza. My...
At this time of year, all over the state, colorful twinkles appear that bring joy and imagination to kids of all ages. So bundle up, bring some hot cocoa, and warm yourself by a fire [...]
Sometimes names are much bigger than the letters that form them. They not only shape our past, but also shape our future. For Walt Vinoski, and his family, you could say that his surname has created their destiny. [...]
Autumn is the perfect time to enjoy the spectacular colors of fall as the leaves change to ruby red, blazing orange, and brilliant gold. Pack your bags, hiking boots, binoculars and camera–this is going to be a colorful journey.
By the time Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his stump at sunrise last February 2, I had been standing in the cold on Gobbler’s Knob for nearly four hours, eagerly awaiting this moment. Roughly 18,000 others surrounded me there, and...

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